BSI online shop - Browse thousands of standards - and purchase online British standards. Start your journey to standardization with BSI standards. Standards for all sectors. Engineering specifications, standards , manuals and technical publications. Free Shipping Available.
Using a DPC Injection Kit. Kiesol C is injected into a 12mm hole drilled into the mortar joint approximately 75mm-150mm above ground level. The product is then left to revert to its liquid phase and penetrate the masonry surrounding the hole.
As Kiesol C penetrates the substrate, it carries the high level of active ingredients into the. The WTA test method is particularly tough on the product because the test walls are subjected to continual damp with no dwell period to assist the curing of the test material. Kiesol is injected in a low pres-sure procedure. Masonry work with heavy hygroscopic loads (chlorides, nitrates ) should be pre-treated with Remmers Salt Inhibitor. The system component ( Kiesol ), diluted 1:with water, is used with Remmers Sulfatex Grout for strip waterproofing as protection against moisture bridges in the borehole area.
KIESOL standart - Tekutý kombinovaný roztok na báze kyseliny kremičitej, penetrácia a hĺbková mineralizácia pod izolačné stierky, zamedzuje pohyb solí v murive, zlepšuje pevnosť a prídržnosť povrchu. Bernhard Remmers sets up his own business trading in oils, wood preservatives, paints and varnishes. Introduction of the Aida Kiesol waterproofing system. For this purpose, a Kiesol system with approximately products is being developed.
The document has moved here. The effectiveness and durability of waterproofing depends on expert planning and implementation of the works. Partial leaking areas in masonry work, e. Kiesol (specify in section M60) and Aida Waterstop (specify in section C42). Check Out Kiesol on eBay. Fill Your Cart With Color today!
Remmers Kiesol C is used as an injection agent to remedy rising damp in building masonry work. The cream is brought into the masonry work or mortar joints through horizontal boreholes under gravity. Je nutno se vyvarovat tvorby louží. Features: Waterproof Material: Polythene.
High performance damp-proofing injection cream for the treatment of rising damp. Injected into holes drilled into the mortar course in order to form a damp-proof course (DPC). Proven effective in walls up to saturation.
Next day delivery - from FREE. Apply Kiesol (1:with water) without pressure and avoiding nebulisation moving horizontally along the surface from top to bottom. Proceed by priming one limited area at a time.
Immediately remove the product in excess. All follow-up working steps must be carried out wet-on-wet. Pour water into a clean container and add dry. Often overlooke these applicators are often designed to work only with their own tube packaging.
See some prices of our prices for standard kits below. Cartridge Package Deal : £124. Dryzone Dryzone Damp-proofing Cream - Pack : £189. Call a doctor immediately.

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