úterý 31. prosince 2019

Polystyren eps 70 100mm

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The most common applications are below a concrete slab, a screen or a chipboard floor finish. An expanded polystyrene insulation board ideal for floor and wall insulation, Kay-Metzeler EPSprovide a long lasting thermal solution.

The polystyrene board is easy to cut to any shape making it ideal to fit to any space. Product can also be used in a variety of other applications. We stock Kay-Metzelers EPS for a range of uses to meet new building regulations. The boards are extremely versatile making them a favourite for many users as they are easy to cut and handle.

Vyznačuje se nízkou hmotností, dobrou opracovatelností, velmi nízkou nasákavostí a výhodnou cenou. Extremely easy to install and are available in range of grades and sizes. Only show stores with stock.

Delivery Next day available. Jabfloor is rot-proof and durable and will remain effective for the life of the building. Cost-effective Jabfloor with a chipboard finish provides a cost-effective solution to floor insulation. Free Shipping Available.

Polystyrene EPS– Rigid white bead polystyrene sheets for domestic floors and general insulation applications. It features an excellent insulating medium which exerts thermal performance over the normal temperature ranges encountered in buildings. The term EPSrelates to expanded polystyrene which has a compressive strength of kPa.

EPSSDN insulation board is ideal for a variety of applications and can be produced in many shapes, strengths and sizes. EPS and EPS 1can be used in a variety of floor applications, both domestic and industrial, to satisfy the current building regulations U-value requirements. Insulation boar domestic and industrial use. EPSSDN Polystyrene (Pack of 3) EPSinsulation sheets comprise of expandable beads of polystyrene which are pre-foamed and fused t. Jablite EPS is a lightweight cellular plastic material suitable for a wide range of building-insulation applications. These items are cut to order and due to size are only available as a collection item.

Dosky z penového polystyrénu vybranej hrúbky sa lepia na obvodové steny budovy a zabezpečujú tak lepší tepelný komfort. Kvalitní stavební materiály pro střechy, fasády a izolace od největšího prodejce stavebních materiálů v ČR.

Pěnový polystyren EPS DCD Ideal běžně vykazuje pevnost v tlaku větší než kPa při lin. Při své minimální hmotnosti patří k nejvýkonnějším stavebním materiálům. Vzhledem k šedesátiletému mnohostrannému a dlouhodobému používání pěnového polystyrenu EPS je možno konstatovat, že při správném použití jeho vlastnosti zůstávají nezměněny. This is available in a variety of thicknesses.

If we do not have the thickness you require then please contact us. Visit or call your local branch today to order at great trade prices. Expanded polystyrene comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Kay-Metzeler, a division of Vita Cellular Foam, is one of the largest expanded polystyrene manufacturers in the UK in the production of block, sheet, mouldings and bead. At S and B EPS Ltd we continuously strive to achieve the highest standards in quality expanded polystyrene products.

As key suppliers to the building and engineering trades, we work in partnership with our clients to create innovative, robust solutions.

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