Small and smart rooflight specially designed for installation in standard-sized dome lights ( 4x 4mm). Easy adjustment with operating lever. Cover is grey tinte extremely damage resistant polycarbonate. With a black flynet and a single pleated fabric it guarantees efficient dimming. Double glaze aerodynamically shaped glass dome made of unbreakable Polycarbonate and tinted light grey.

Opens in three positions: completely open, half open and bad weather position. This pint-sized rooflight is a must-have for small caravan owners. It has an easy-adjustment operating lever, with three positions, and a similar bad weather setting for those more wintry jaunts. ACRYLIC WINDOW CLEANING ITEMS. MIDI HEKI STYLE 400X700.
Heki Replacement Top. Equipped with blind and flynet it allows adjusting natural lighting and shading as required. Available with or without forced ventilation. An inner frame holds separately adjustable darkening and fly screens. Using handles, it’s easy to place in any of five different positions.

While spare parts are still available here, complete units can only be found in the international market. Actual dimensions of flynet 255mm x 255mm. Saatavuus Vaihtelee version mukaan. Harmaa sävyinen lasi, erittäin kestävää polykarbonaattia. Kaksoislasi, aerodynaaminen muoto.
Kolme asentoa mahdollista, kokonaan auki, väliasento ja huonon sään asento. Suljettuna automaattisesti lukittu. Sisäkehyksessä hyönteis- ja pimennysverho.
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MAXXAIR has come up with the ideal solution. Also by having interchangeable panels they can be both vented and non vented! Never by the wrong skylight by mistake again. Pieni kattoluukku, paljon valoa. Aerodynamic, thanks to its elegant external profile top.
During high-speed testing noise and vibrations were greatly reduced. Erittäin laadukas kattoluukku. Vi har modeller afhængig af tagtykkelse.
De har fluenet og rullegardin og passer til de fleste vogn, bruge tit som erstatningstagluge i ældre vogn.
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