pondělí 27. srpna 2018

Events factory hala c balabenka

The gallery space is designed for art exhibitions, photographic exhibitions, public and private events , conferences with screenings, autograph signings, discussions, book launches. See photos from visitors to Hala C Balabenka. Nahlásit další obrázek Nahlaste prosím urážlivý obrázek. Galerie Hala C - space for conferences, workshops, private events.

New unique event hall - Hala C Balabenka - s uitable for cultural, social or specialist events of all types - already opened!

Private kindergarten for children from 1. Hala Bala Design proběhne ve vysočanské industriální hale C. Unikátní industriální prostor Hala C – Balabenka v devátém pražském obvodu pořádá od 10. Oficjalna zapowiedź aftermovie szóstej edycji Gali Disco 25. Event Views Navigation View As. FuckUp Nights je série pravidelných setkání, během kterých známé osobnosti mluví o věcech, co se zrovna dvakrát nepovedly.

Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s.

Beseder, which is open to the general public, can be rented for private functions. The rented space can include a gallery, which gives it an area of 3sq. We are proud to have organized very first business conference in this amazing industrial venue. Since then it initiated and brought to accomplishment dozens of medium and larger sized real estate projects, mainly in Prague. Ta se uskuteční v úterý 28.

Hale C Balabenka v Praze 9. SEN development, Praha. Nadciąga nowa edycja Gali Disco- 27. V našem portfoliu naleznete kancelářské, bytové, skladové či výrobní objekty. See photos from visitors to GroupKINOSAL. All Categories Ice Hockey Basketball Concert Comedy Show Sport.

Interesting venues and events , fairs Rudy Tauscher. Currently there are no events scheduled for this month. Please check again later. There are no events of the selected category in this month.

ALBA BERLIN - Brose Bamberg.

Buy tickets Premium Tickets. What is National House at Vinohrady up to? Find news, complete overview for on GoOut. Homie and Blondy both live next to the crossroad at Balabenka , but each on a different side. It’s the dividing line between Libeň and Vysočany, a natural breaking point.

Nobody crosses Balabenka on foot. That’d be insane, says Blondy, and Homie agrees: That’s right. V listopadu v Praze proběhne první ročník IoT hackathonu s názvem “The Future of IoT”.

Pronájem Cena na vyžádán. Kapitálové výdaje Vlastní hlavní město Praha hospodařilo od 1.

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