Film Academy of Miroslav Ondříček in Písek. Děkujeme Vám všem, návštěvníkům, hostům, účinkujícím, sponzorům, týmu v pozadí, že jste vytvořili skvělou atmosféru. Příští rok opět v říjnu. You will be updated on venues and dates soon - make sure you subscribe!
The festival this year will feature over 2films from different countries. All the chosen films are from the most excellent cinematic collection from Israel and the globe from the passing year. Please practice hand-washing and social distancing, and check out our resources for adapting to these times.
Izrael v České republice. My už se těšíme na dalš. Podpořte MFF Praha – Febiofest. The tickets sale starts on September 9. Looking forward to meet you there.
During the festival the best and the newest film productions of Israeli cinematography will be presented. Schon jetzt sehen, was morgen wichtig ist – vom 10. Their love for cinema and rich film collection, which they spent years developing, was the foundation for the creation of the Israel Film Archive and the screening of quality films at the CInematheque. You are invited to attend divers accompanying program as well.
The 2nd edition of the successful Israeli documentary film festival KolNoa. The film will be an animated featured by Henshin, with Henshin’s founder Rob Pereyda producing the movie and Hitoshi Ariga scripting it. Production start dates and theatrical release dates haven’t been announced for the film yet.
V Bratislave ho máte možnosť zažiť počas dvoch. Ani přes husté osídlení nejde o stát s velkým počtem obyvatel (podle statistických údajů má skoro devět milionů obyvatel, tedy o něco méně než Česká republika). All films are shown at intimate venues within.
Festival izraelského filmu. The film follows the rise and fall of the Alkolombris- a proud family of Bulgarian bakers that immigrated to the newborn state of Israel. Their success was rapi and the family bakery in Jaffa soon became a well-known establishment, drawing crowds from all over the country. This first edition is supported by Regional Screen Scotland’s Local Film Challenge Fund to develop the concept of, build interest for and plan the format of, a new local Inverclyde film festival based at the Waterfront Cinema.
První ročník toho nejlepšího, co nabízí současná izraelská kinematografi. Five Sheffield students take on a 31-day glacial research expedition to the Tian Shan mountains of Kyrgyzstan. A night run around Sheffield City - headtorch included in the price.
Run For Your Life - A festival itinerary for runners. Click the link for further information and to secure your tickets now! Reliable information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) is available from the World Health Organization (current situation, international travel).
Numerous and frequently-updated resource are available from this WorldCat. CFF are truly thankful to the local. TV’s English-language guide to the best happenings in Prague.
Lawrence Kasdan ’s new feature Darling Companion, starring Diane. The first part features the schools entries, an the second the “Individual’ an ‘Community Group’ entries – enjoy. The Kolnoa sidebar offers another example of how the festival ’s programming responds to the community. KOLNOA také nabídne šestici hraných filmů uvedených převážně v české premiéře.
This crazy, inventive, witty Brazilian Western with a sci-fi twist is unlike anything you will have seen.
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